速報APP / 藝術與設計 / How to draw a face

How to draw a face





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



How to draw a face(圖1)-速報App

In this manual, you will learn about one of the techniques of drawing a female or male face. Drawing technique with a pencil and step by step Drawing a realistic face. Drawing a female face and learn how to draw a realistic female face. Learn how to draw a realistic female face Step by step. Learn to draw anime for beginners. Drawing with a pencil or pen is one of the most ancient and natural parts of our culture. But it is good to draw not at the mercy of everyone. Many people would like to learn to draw. Step by step drawing takes time even for talented artists.

Having studied in detail the structure to draw a person’s face, we can now look at how to draw an anime face carefully how to draw a face in stages to detail. draw your face and start learn how to draw eyes we learn how to draw faces of faces. Face Learn to draw a man's ear - Learn to draw the lips first.

How to draw a face(圖2)-速報App

Learn how to draw a nose that we draw in stages draw sketches for drawing in any step-by-step drawings of the situation, and drawings by stages are also drawing by stages to learn to draw in a certain way applicable to learn to draw art: the observer will draw light tutorials step by step into the first tutorial for drawing consider the face proportions of the face with your pencil drawing photo characteristic features. symmetrical drawing The transfer of faces on paper, especially drawing live expressive expressions, is undoubtedly worth the effort.

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the main components of face painting - proportions, features and perspective, and in the following lessons we will take a closer look at various facial expressions. One of the most complex art forms is the image of a man. The constitution needs to be studied in detail in parts. We have already considered some elements. Before you begin, be sure to read these few recommendations of professional artists: First you need to think about the approximate location of all elements. For sketches, take a sharply sharpened pencil of medium hardness (I used HB and 2B, write in the comments which pencils you used), which will allow you to sketch thin lines.

How to draw a face(圖3)-速報App

Do not erase outline lines until the desired result is clearly visible. Observe the proportions Note that the face has a pointed form at the bottom, and more rounded at the top. Practice! The more you train, the better you will learn how to convey the right emotions and nuances of human facial expressions.